The Carbon Cycle
Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe. It is essential to life on earth. In fact, it's presence or absence helps define whether a molecule is considered organic or inorganic. Every organism on earth needs carbon either for structure or energy. Us as humans, need it for both. Through the processs of photosynthesis, plants convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates. Then, the carbon either goes back out into the atmosphere, is eaten up by animals, or decomposes into the soil for further extraction by plants and useful resources. In water, carbon precipitates to form calcium carbonate which creates limestone and algae, both very useful resources creating suitable environments for their population and sources of carbon for further respiration. Humans have a great impact on the cycle. We burn fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. When there is more energy reaching the earth from the sun, than what escapes from the earth into space, one of the results can be global warming. Inevitably, all living organims play an inportant role in this necessary process. Trees, animals, water, plants, and humans each have a very important part in this process. I think it's good to learn about the carbon cycle because it allows us to see the role that we play, what kind of effect our actions have on our environment, and what we can do to make our environment better.
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